Printing Probs in IE with HTML Forms


Hello everyone <br />
<br />
I am new to HTML and teaching myself so please bare with me.<br />
<br />
I have created a report form which is to be printed out by (future) users of my web program and I have found that the although shaded and reverese block can be seen on the screen they are not displaying in print preview or printing.<br />
<br />
<td class="ClientHeader" colspan="18"><br />
<p align="center"><br />
&nbsp;<Builder's Name> - Office Copy <br />
</p><br />
</td><br />
<br />
the nominated class being:<br />
.SpecHead {<br />
background-color: #4682B4;<br />
font: normal small-caps bolder small;<br />
color: white; <br />
}<br />
<br />
Hoping someone can help me,<br />
Cheers<br />
Lizzie<!--content-->well for one thing you have the wrong class name.<br />
<br />
<td class="ClientHeader" colspan="18"><br />
<p align="center"><br />
<Builder's Name> - Office Copy <br />
</p><br />
</td><br />
<br />
the nominated class being:<br />
.SpecHead {<br />
background-color: #4682B4;<br />
font: normal small-caps bolder small;<br />
color: white; <br />
}<br />
<br />
and welcome to the forums, ha Leo, beat you to it :P<!--content-->I see where you noted my problem. Problem is that I pasted the wrong info into my message. I have since double checked the class selected was correct in my actual work (dummy me just had it wrong in my cry for help).<br />
<br />
Again I repeat the example (correct this time):<br />
<br />
<td class="spechead" colspan="17"><br />
<p align="center"><br />
Specification, Colour Selection and Inclusions <br />
</p><br />
</td><br />
<br />
.SpecHead {<br />
background-color: black;<br />
font: normal small-caps bolder small;<br />
color: white;<br />
<br />
Still can't work out why when requesting the print command from within IE the above formatting of reverse block is lost.<br />
<br />
Cheers from a muddle newbe<br />
Lizzie<!--content-->again same problem.<br />
<br />
<td class="spechead" colspan="17"><br />
<p align="center"><br />
Specification, Colour Selection and Inclusions<br />
</p><br />
</td><br />
<br />
.SpecHead {<br />
background-color: black;<br />
font: normal small-caps bolder small;<br />
color: white;<br />
}<br />
<br />
although tha tshould work in IE NS will not do it as they are different, you need to mak sure you use small case whenever possible.<br />
<br />
but just for clarification: it doesn't print the black background with white letters? also you have it wrong in the font tag. small is nothing on the end as you told it normal and samll-caps.<!--content-->