Printing Pages with Tables


i'm having a problem with a webpage i am currently working on. the problem is when you print the page out the words get cut off on the left side. the pages use tables and the width of the main table is set to 712 pixels and the height is 6519 pixels...all the columns are consistent with the size...the table itself consists of 2 <td> tags one with a width of 247 and the other is my table width too big? or should i specify a pixel size in my <tr> tags? or does it have nothing at all to do with my table attributes? i dont use tables much but i have to keep the layout the way it is in order to be consistent with the rest of the site...i would appreciate any help i can get...thanks!<!--content-->Pixel dimensions have little relevancy to printing. Roughly translated 640 pixels width (at 72 DPI)is about 8.9 inches wide, so your page at 712 pixels (9.9 inches plus margins) will most likely be too wide for your printer. Most printed pages look good with .75 inch margins on the left and right, so that leaves 7 inches for content. That would translate to about 500 pixels width (at 72 DPI).<br />
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Before printing go into page setup and set the margins to a lower value, most are set at .75 inches. Many printers can go down to .125 margins, but that still might not be enough to cram in all the content on the webape into the width of the printed version.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->that makes sense but isn't it pointless for me to change the dimensions when that has nothing to do with printability? the thing is that this is a page that most visitors will end up printing now i'm thinking i'll just have to make a "printer friendly" version of the page w/o tables or images...unless of course anyone else has any better ideas?<br />
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thanks for the help!<!--content-->Saying pixel dimensions have little relevancy to printing is not the same as saying it has nothing to do with printing. Changing the size of the tables will help insure the print out looks good on most printers. Assume the standard page setup of .75 inch margins when sizing content for best print results. <br />
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Your options are:<br />
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--make the tables smaller (approx. 500 pixels wide)<br />
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--don't use tables and make sure any images print properly<br />
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--create a printable version in PDF format <br />
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or maybe someone else will have some suggestions.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->ok i tried changing the pixel width to 500 but that causes a few problems.<br />
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the page itself is set up sort of like it has 3 frames: one for the title and then 2 others, one for a menu and a another for the main body of the page. i'm not allowed to transform the tables into frames since the entire website is setup this way and right now all they are changing is these 2 portions...anyways the background of the page is blue on both sides with white in the middle and minimizing the table width does not correspond to the background itself...also there is an image on the right side of the table (above the menu) that has a width of about 215 which leaves only 285 pixels worth of space for text.... any other ideas how to take care of the problem?? otherwise i'll suggest a printer friendly version to the site owner.<br />
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i really need to take care of this i would appreciate a quick response...thanks!<!--content-->I work with a lot of pages that need to be printed out, while preserving formatting. We have HTML pages for the web, and pdf for print. It preserves the html formatting, while creating a print friendly document. <br />
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I know this isn;t the answer you are looking for... but if your serious about printing I think you should give it a try.<!--content-->thanks i'll give the pdf thing a try!<!--content-->Otherwise, you might try setting your tables at percentage width. Most probably, the printer will fit the tables to the page. Am I right?<!--content-->