Printing in Landscape using CSS


Hi,<br />
<br />
Could someone please shed some light on the subject of specifying Landscape printing using CSS?<br />
<br />
Is it possible to print a page in landscape using CSS, and if so how?<br />
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I've read from various sources that the provision exists to specify portrait or landscape printing, however current browsers don't support it. On the other side however, I've seen examples claiming to be able to do it.<br />
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So, is it possible or not? I created a basic html page and placed this code below into the head section. The result was a standard *portrait* print-out.....not landscape as you'd expect. Am I missing something? Are there other factors that must be considered (e.g. different end-user printers). I'm using IE5.5.<br />
<br />
<style><br />
@page { <br />
size: landscape <br />
margin: 10%; <br />
}<br />
</style><br />
<br />
Thanks as always,<br />
Allan<!--content-->IE is very weak when it comes to CSS2. so you might not get it to work.<!--content-->