Print rows that dont exist in table?


New Member
Simple question.I have a query that sums rows grouped by date. Basically, it counts how many membership applications in a day and prints out the results day by day. Naturally, if there are no applications in a day, it doesnt show that row (example below 15th and 17th had no applications.....\[code\]Date | Applications-----------------------------------12/01/2010 | 4413/01/2010 | 7314/01/2010 | 6616/01/2010 | 10218/01/2010 | 1219/01/2010 | 22\[/code\]I need it to print out the date and 0 for days when there are no applications, so as no days are skipped. Any idea how to do that. I thought of joining to a table with every day of the year, but that seems overkillThe query is below\[code\]SELECTapplication_date AS Date,COUNT(*) AS Applications FROM membersGROUP BY ap_date \[/code\]