Print rotated css too short (IE / FF)


New Member
I'm trying to rotate a wide table (work schedule, see example image below) for printing purposes. The reason I'm doing this is because I want the table to stretch over multiple pages so when you print it on paper you can put the different sheets together and get 1 decent sized, readable table/schedule. Now the problem I'm having isn't the rotating itself, it's the number of pages when trying to print the table. Instead of expanding the table to the next page it's cut-off so you'll only see the top part.Now Google Chrome does the printing just fine, it spreads the table across 2 or 3 pages like I want it to. I'm having trouble however getting the same result in Firefox or IE.I'm using the CSS \[code\]transform:rotate\[/code\] method to rotate the body/schedule and get the wanted result in my browser (see below).\[code\]transform:rotate(90deg);-ms-transform:rotate(90eg);-moz-transform:rotate(90deg);-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg);-o-transform:rotate(90deg);\[/code\]I've tried adding margins, paddings to the table but it only moves the table around the page instead of expanding it to the next page. Adding overflow (\[code\]body *{ overflow:visible !important; }\[/code\]) only scaled the body down so it'll fit on 1 page.Is there any way to print this wide table on multiple pages so it's still readable for FF & IE? Thanks in advance.Example image (usually there's text in the time-blocks):
(Normal printing in landscape mode won't do because the text becomes too small to read.)