i have this code trying to print an image in an html using session variable from a php.Here is my code:\[code\]</head><body><?phpsession_id(1);session_start();echo $_SESSION['phname'];?><img src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/uploads/$_SESSION['phname']" alt="photo" width="498" height="720" border="0" />\[/code\]here:\[code\]session_id(1);session_start();echo $_SESSION['phname'];\[/code\]i'm checking if my variable has passed from the php and its ok. and here\[code\]?><img src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/uploads/$_SESSION['phname']" alt="photo" width="498" height="720" border="0" />\[/code\]i'm using php to print the image from the following source\[code\]src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/uploads/$_SESSION['phname']"\[/code\]when $_SESSION['phname'] is my image's name but i'm not getting the image. Is there something wrong with my code or is there any other way to print my image? i try a lot of things and a lot of codes i found on the net but nothing help me more.