Prevnting from DDOS attack


New Member
is there anyyyyyyyyyyyyyy way or any thing that can prevent any sites specially forums from ddos attack ?
i think many forums or site owner is facing this problem so if some one can share their idea about it it would be a grate thing for all members at vbteam
Well, usually shared account are more fragile, since a high hit on one site may affect all others.

But if you are talking about dedicaded server, i got tell you there ain't much to do...
In some cases, you can change your IP and DNS stuff, that doesn't work always.
There are hardwares available that do pretty job 'burning packtes', but they are expensive and not 100% effective.

Well, securing database is a good start dude, If you have any vulerable software os script running that might be a door to DDoS.

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