Preventing wrapping


I have a navigation frame on the left side of my webpage that lists a whole bunch of links which are pulled from a database. I want to guarantee that none of these links wrap. Firstly, I replaced all spaces with the &nbsp; character. What I am having trouble with now are dashes "-". If someone's last name has a dash in it, the link wraps at the dash. How can I prevent this?<br />
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Thanks in advance.<!--content-->Try putting it in a NOBR tagset.<br />
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<nobr>text-here-or-whatever</nobr><!--content-->Works like a charm! Thanks.<!--content-->You could also put the nowrap tag in a table cell. This may be overkill for what you describe but you did say guarantee. Besides, I don't know how backwards-compatible <nobr> is.<br />
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N.B. I've never seen <nobr> before. Is this supported in older browsers? <br />
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<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><br />
<tr> <br />
<td nowrap> <br />
-all your links, names, and niknaks<br />
</td><br />
</tr><br />
</table><!--content--><nobr> is a Netscape extension to HTML, it is not part of the HTML standard.<br />
It is available from Navigator 1.1 and Internet Explorer 4.0<!--content-->