Preventing text from word wrapping, min-width?


New Member
I'm just getting started in web and one of my first tasks is to fix some of the cross browser UI issues. In firefox and internet explorer, this code looks fine:\[code\]<div id="readTypeBtns" style="text-align: left;margin-left: -30px"> <label class="radio inline"> <input value=" Read" id="firstread" type="radio">First Read</label> <label class="radio inline"> <input value=" Read" id="secondread" type="radio">Second End</label></div>\[/code\]When I look at this in Chrome, the text First Read and Second Read word wrap which makes the radio button and text not be on the same line. I was wondering why this happens. I played around a bit and I saw I could hardcode some min-width for each, but that didn't seem to be like a "best" solution for me. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!