preventing pop-ups (prevents too?)


I've created some "pop-up" windows on my website & my partner thinks that people that use pop-up prevention software will have a problem with this. This is the code I used:<br />
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<a HREF="#" onclick="'directmail.htm','mywindow','width=600,height=500,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no, status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,copyhistory=yes,resizable=yes')">direct mail</a><br />
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Anyone know if an auto-pop-up is treated the same as an open window w/ that anti-pop-up software?<br />
Thanks.<br />
sb<!--content-->so no one replied to this...did it just get lost in the shuffle? does repying to it make it come back to the top so maybe someone will see it & help me out?<!--content-->Any window opened using is by defnition, a popup, and any window you open that way will be treated as a popup by anti-popup software.<!--content-->The way to open a new window without it being considered a popup is:<br />
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<a href="directmail.html" target="_blank"><br />
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That will open a new window, but you cannot remove the browser controls the way you have with the<br />
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Removal of controls it one of the reasons that users hate popups and try to prevent them.<!--content-->It depends on the software. Some (like the popup stoppers in mozilla) differentiate between onClick popups and automatic popups. However, MANY popup stoppers to NOT make this distinction.<!--content-->the thing you must think of is that no1 likes pop-ups... they get annoying! <br />
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wouldnt you be able to put the information or whatever is on the pop-ups on the actual site itself, or if not just link to it?<br />
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Joe<!--content-->here's where i'm using it:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> - click on one of the articles (bullet points) to see the pop up<br />
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i wanted the info to be in a window free of buttons & stuff & at the bottom you can choose to print the article or close the window<br />
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they do not pop open automatically.<!--content-->If it were me, I'd just re-work it, to make the info open in the same window. If you must open a new window, use the target="_blank" thing. I personally have it when sites open windows that have no buttons. I have my buttons just how I like them, and I like to be able to use them. BUT...that's just my opinion.<!--content-->