presidential election 2008?


New Member
i just turned 18 and im going to register to vote through mail. idk for which party i want to be affiliated with, i would for the most part be Democratic but for this year im planning on voting for an independent, Ralph Nader, green party.<br />
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my questions are <br />
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should i register in the green or democratic party?<br />
come primaries, what will be my advantages or disadvantages in registering with each party?<br />
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how do i see if his name is even in my state's ballot? dont know if he got enough signatures, i have been trying to find out but nothing yet, i live in california. <br />
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any help is appreciated <br />
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thank you in advance for your help<br />
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to "sharon S" i tried stayed there but the page just stayed blank, the loading of the page had already ended though<br />
It's great that you want to make your opinion known and don't want to vote for either candidate and want to vote for someone else. Such is the foundation for the country as we know it. However, let's be reasonable. No third party candidate has a chance to win. If you want to make a real impact with your vote, the best thing you can do is to decide which candidate of the two major ones is the lesser of two evils. I think out of the two major candidates, Barack Obama's ideas are closer to the green party's or another third party's. This is because any third party candidate will agree that our current president is bad, and that we need someone new. John McCain's voting record is so closely aligned with President Bush's that he will not really be bringing anything different. At the very least, Obama brings something new to the table and will bring real change. He is also more interested in alternate energy solutions, unlike more oil and nuclear power, neither of which are very environmentally friendly, be it pollution or yucca mountain (nuclear waste = not so environmentally friendly).
Nuclear power not environmentally friendly? Where have you been? It is one of the best sources of power now. Just look at Europe. We are the only country to not utilize it. Obama will bring change, but it is not the kind of change we need now. America is weak now and he will just make it weaker. McCain will probably manage things in a bad manner but it will hold us off until we at least get a shot at having a SAVAGE candidate.