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Does anyone know of a SMS Billing provider that supports South-African country, has no monthly, setup or registration fees, and has scalable rates from R1.00 ZAR - R50.00 ZAR, I've been searching for 3 days and doesn't seem to find a provider that supports API integration.My scenario I want to implement:1.User chooses period he'd like his Ad to feature eg. 15days-1Month, each period has a cost associated(not more than R50.00) 2.User then sends a SMS to a short code eg. SMS pz10 to 35124. 3.Service provider provide an indication(response) whether the payment was successfully deducted from user phone bill. 4.My site check the response, and determine whether the Ad will be posted or rejected.Any advise and links would be appreciated.Alternatively Is there maybe someone who knows of a php to c# converter tool?I want to convert the following code to c#\[code\] <?php //set true if you want to use script for billing reports //first you need to enable them in your account $billing_reports_enabled = false; // check that the request comes from Fortumo server if(!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],array('', '', '', ''))) { header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden"); die("Error: Unknown IP"); } // check the signature $secret = ''; // insert your secret between '' if(empty($secret) || !check_signature($_GET, $secret)) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); die("Error: Invalid signature"); } $sender = $_GET['sender']; $message = $_GET['message']; $message_id = $_GET['message_id'];//unique id //hint:use message_id to log your messages //additional parameters: country, price, currency, operator, keyword, shortcode // do something with $sender and $message $reply = "Thank you $sender for sending $message"; // print out the reply echo($reply); //customize this according to your needs if($billing_reports_enabled && preg_match("/Failed/i", $_GET['status']) && preg_match("/MT/i", $_GET['billing_type'])) { // find message by $_GET['message_id'] and suspend it } function check_signature($params_array, $secret) { ksort($params_array); $str = ''; foreach ($params_array as $k=>$v) { if($k != 'sig') { $str .= "$k=$v"; } } $str .= $secret; $signature = md5($str); return ($params_array['sig'] == $signature); }?>\[/code\]