Preloading Sound


Staff member
is There a way I can preLoad Sound. ( so it does not comes across the wire twice, and so that it plays as rapidly as possibly)

I have a background sound which is a midi file.
and about 30 special effects sounds.
I wan all the special effects sounds immediately available.

I made an array of 50 bgSounds. Each sound maintains it duration. after it's duration I flag the soundbank as being available to play another sound.

this allows several sounds to play at the same time which works great.

Sometimes I get a pause and I notice that the sounds are reloading.

I copied my code to my server and just opened it in a browser.

It appears
the midi file - loads to my workstation and starts playing ( but the local hard drive lite does comes on ferquently)

The sound effects which are waves, When these activate the lite on my network card comes on as if the sounds are coming across the wire again.

Does anyone know how to do this ?