I have a problem where i have a script that supposed to search an XML file for matching strings. Here's my script:\[code\] <?php$file = "klein.xml";$lines = file($file);foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line){ echo htmlentities($line); echo "<br>";} if (preg_match("/message/", htmlentities($line), $found)) { echo "Found!"; echo $found[0]; echo "test"; } else { echo "Not Found!"; }?>\[/code\]and this is the xml file im working with:\[code\] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><product-data><message-header><message-id>OR-1361163557-gr</message-id><message-timestamp>1361163557</message-timestamp><export-version current_version="1">OGPDX-2.01.01</export-version></message-header></product-data>\[/code\]The problem is when i preg match 'product' it works correctly but when i try to preg match another string i.e 'message' it doesnt work?Im curious for the solution, thanks in advance!