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I'm scratching my head trying to work out how these sites get PRs as high as they have.... the only thing I can think of is cloaking - any input greatly = = PR7Looking at the google links shown, nothing appears to be single site worthy of generating such a high level of PR appear in the backlinks found... most odd... looking at total backlinksUsing: 3,362 total - google = 141Variant: 141 total - google = 5The logic to this escapes me at the moment... but ...variant has some apparent backlinks form subdomains ... buy viewing the source of this page: the cached version in google: ... tml+&hl=eni can't find any variant link... Questions:Are the backlinks totally messed up in Google?Is pagerank malfunctioning?Is cloaking being used here to boost PR?cheersWYB has pr3spooky.. it was 7 this morning, 3 without the http://www... is someone with "control" over PR watching?even with its still pr3 strange...perhaps I made a mistake on that one, but I don't think so - regardless, the OTHER one is PR=7... take a look - plus all the JUNK links at the bottom of the page - SOMETHING stinks....a5 is back at a PR=7 - ?!?!?!? is pr 7 on my side, is pr 0if that is what you are wondering about...madmonk,no - the thing that's of interest is how the relatively low number of backlinks, and how low the PR of those are can generate a PR of 7 on each of these sites.Check the backlinks - there don't seem to be nearly enough, and those that are available are of low PR themselves - so the resulting PR of 7 doesn't make sense.cheersok i see what you mean. i did a bit of check out on a5design, it has links pointing from national farmers union - has pr 6 - ... rch=Searchit has links from -PR 5 -as well as lots of links from strong pr sitestry in yahoo to see its backlinks and you will see that has some strong links from livestock, organization sites,etc..pretty strong links from where I am seeing here, mate cheers madmonk... pretty amazing that basically TWO links with greater PR than say, a 5 were able to promote what I think would be a solid 5 to a 7...Hey guys ...Take a look at the footer of most of the linked pages ... these guys put a sitewide backlink on every site they design for their customers. That doesn't hurt do we - and yahoo reports 20,000+ backlinks for us - less than 1,000 for a5 ... we're google pr=5 (used to be 6) - and a5 is 7...Also - the other site I mentioned is at Pr=7 with the www - 0 without.Quote:George is right ...If you keep digging you see things like ---Results 1 - 10 of about 1,270 from for a5designResults 1 - 10 of about 107 from for a5designResults 1 - 10 of about 8,580 from Large numbers of pages with higher page rank link back to them. The link counts are way off. Could be they don't show because they are concentrated on relatively few sites.yeap yeap. they have strong links backing their site.they are pretty legit and done web sites for strong clients. pr7 seems reasonable..