New Member
I'm doing some doodling around with responsive design(Finally, right?) and asked myself a question whilst using media queries: "What happens when i use this on a retina screen?".So i started wondering if it's still proper to use pixels when targetting HD screens. I mean \[code\]@media only screen and (min-width: 5 billion px)\[/code\] seems like a stupid thing to do.So i wondered what the best practice is. Does the PX scale on HD screens? Or should i use DPI or \[code\]device-pixel-ratio\[/code\] or perhaps something completely different?My aim is to target pretty much all the screens for a mobile-only page. Pure for practice purposes and seeing for myself what is possible and logical.My question pretty much is as follows: How can i target HD screens apart from the 'normal' screens in an all-round solution where i can make exceptions for both HD and normal def screens built for 'the future'.