Potential of Domain with low SERP


New Member
Have a domain name (a dictionary word) that has only about 30 results on Google. The domain name is a noun and refers to a type of competency test/game (like Sudoku).
Presently, the number of tests are few but more and more tests can be created as such tests are not difficult to create.

I am thinking of starting a content/community site around the domain name. Other related tests/quiz like personality tests may be added. Users can create their own original tests and let others try it.
At a later stage, products like ebooks or even a software may be created.

1) What are chances of creating big demand from such a domain name with about 30 results in Google now?
2) What other quick and fast content, tools and products can I add?
3) Besides Adsense, how else can I monetise the site?
4) What low cost marketing/promotion methods/strategies to promote such a low SERP domain name?
Any suggestions and comments will be much appreciated.
Thanks. :)