[Postponed] vBTEAM Upgrade this weekend


New Member


vBTEAM Forum will be closed for few hours this weekend (probably Saturday, 11th of October) due to upgrading.

We'll finally upgrade our forum software to vBulletin 3.7.xx as well as plugins to their newest versions.

So, don't be dissapointed when you see "Forums closed due to upgrade" message this weekend.

-- .v0id
-- in behalf of vBTEAM.iNFO
Update has been postponed to be done during this week, preferrably Tuesday or Wednesday.

The main reason is that we are still working on new style for vBTEAM, and we will not be able to finish it today.

Sorry for incovience.

-- .v0id
- in behalf of vBTEAM
Due to personal reasons (and stupid University staff), I have to pospone the upgrade again.

It will definiately happen this weekend; and I hope you will like it :)

Again, sorry for incovience.

-- .v0id
- in behalf of vBTEAM