

Staff member
I've noticed that some of the servers have PHPnuke installed (like server 20).<br />What about POSTnuke?<br />How about having that as an option also ?<!--content-->
Hi,<br /><br />Its not an option at present no, but Bill will look into it if there is enough people asking<br /><br />Jim<!--content-->
PostNuke is so ridiculously easy to install, it really isn't necessary to have a built-in script in cPanel. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /> If you have problems using their install, after having read all their instructions, please don't hesitate to ask.<!--content-->
I would personaly like to see it as an option..i have installed it, but i did have problems creating a data base...i finally got it working...but i am curretnly having issues with it and i did try to do a fresh install and was unable to create a db..nor have i been bale to create more the one db for it...<!--content--> I'm having issues with installing postnuke! argh, everyone tells me how easy it is to install...but I've tried to no avail! Here is what I have figured so far:<br /><br />on the install I will get the following error:<br />No database made.<br />Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user: 'pnuke@localhost' (Using password: YES) in /home/davegor/public_html/postnuke/html/pnadodb/drivers/ on line 170<br />Error connecting to db<br />Program: /home/davegor/public_html/postnuke/html/install/db.php - Line N.: 45<br />Database: Phoenix<br />Error (1045) : Access denied for user: 'pnuke@localhost' (Using password: YES)<br /><br />Being the genious I am...I figure that is something wrong with my user/pass on the MySql DB I created? <br /><br />Here is what I have in MySql Manger:<br />鐕琿l Account Maintenance?br />Databases <br />davegor_Phoenix <br /><br /><br />Users in davegor_Phoenix<br />davegor_pnuke <br /><br />Connection Strings<br />Perl$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:davegor_Phoenix:localhost","davegor_pnuke","<PASSWORD HERE>");<br />PHP$dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "davegor_pnuke", "<PASSWORD HERE>") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());<br />mysql_select_db ("davegor_Phoenix"); <br /><br />I've double checked my password for the DB account and everything! Any thoughts? I've had mild success with PHPNuke, but just need something a little more "dumb friendly"! Thanks!<br /><br />-Dave<br />[email protected]<!--content-->
did you assign a username to that database in manage mysql in your cpanel?<!--content-->
I am thinking the same thing as leezard... you have to create a user AND assign the user to the database.<br /><br />Two steps when it would seem like only one.<!--content-->
Hey Guys,<br /><br />Thanks for the help. I really think there should be a forum called "Post here, and fix it 5 minutes after you Post", or something. I swear everytime I post a problem, even after HOURS of trying to figure it out myself...I fix it 5 minutes later! Maybe it's the magical powers of TCH forums? Anyway, I wasn't putting in the database information in correctly. I wasn't aware that you had to use the following format for entering the data:<br /><br />database name = sqlprefix_databasename<br />user name = sqlprefix_user<br />password = password<br /><br />I wasn't adding the "sqlprefix" which was screwing everything up! Silly new people like me <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> Anyway, Thank you all for your quick response, and I hope this helps others having the same problem!<br /><br />-Dave<br />(ps: My postnuke site is up and running @ <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->)<!--content-->