Posting Word Docs on a site


I am a teacher and I want to post documents in MSWord on my site so my kids can get at them. The reason I want to post them in Word format is because they have links in them that I want the kids to be able to click. Otherwise I would just post them as pdfs. How can I do this. I am ok at JavaScript and not bad with ASP. We host our own web server.<br />
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Thanks in advance for the help!<!--content-->the only way is to have a link they can click on and then that will open up word, if they have it on the machine the student is on.<br />
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if they do not have word then it will prompt them to Download <!--more--> it instead.<!--content-->What would a link that would open MS Word look like?<!--content-->just a regular one.<br />
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<a href="document.doc">First Document</a><!--content-->do you want your students to actually Download <!--more--> the .doc or would a page that is designed like a word document do the trick?<!--content-->The reason I want to post them in Word format is because they have links in them that I want the kids to be able to click. Otherwise I would just post them as pdfs. you can include a link in a PDF document, cant you?<br />
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if MSWord is installed on the client machine, the document will open in the browser is it is IE, or it will at least open word.<br />
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otherwise, it will prompt for a Download <!--more-->.<br />
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i think:D<!--content-->I just want them to be able to open a doc that I have written in msword that has hyperlinks so that they can click on the links embedded in the document for examples. What I am hearing is that if I put the document as a file on my web server and create a link to that file, since they will have msword on their machines at school, it will Download <!--more--> just fine, right?<br />
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You folks are a huge help!<br />
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Thanks!!!<!--content-->yup, if they have msword on their machines there's no probs at all :D<!--content-->