posting to Facebook Page using classic ASP


New Member
I am trying to post to facebook page wall using ASP. I created a new app through the developer site, got an access token for the app itself by going to[appid]&client_secret=[appsecret]I then ran the following code that I found on this site to try to post to the wall. I have since read that you need oauth access for this particular page for that app, but I'm very confused on how to do that. Can anyone help?\[code\]<%Dim xmlHttp Dim resfbName = ""fbUserID = ""strAccessToken = "[access_token]"strURL = "" & fbUserID & "/feed"strMessage = fbName & " just did something."strLink = "[link]"para = "?access_token=" & strAccessToken & "&message=" & strMessage & "&link=" & strLinkset xmlHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") xmlHttp.Open "POST", strURL & para, falsexmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"xmlHttp.sendresponse.write strURL & para%>\[/code\]