I have been using google alerts to find relevant niche articles to leave comments on and I am having a problem knowing which ones allow me to leave a html link and which ones block it. Some sites tell you that you can use htnl for style and allow you a link and some sites dont tell you but still allow you to leave a link. Some dont say anything and I spend time registering and then writing an informative answer only to have it rejected or published without my link. Is ther any software that will tell me who will and who wont let me leave a backlink.
I would be very grateful for this answer. we can't manage it
. You can only know that when you submit your link. Because It 's out of your control. We can only know nofollow or dofollow
this never worked well for me at all.
it is discouraging and I have not found a way around it. because of it I do a lot less blog commenting. I tend to try and few that work and I really like and then just stay there. Yes you right. this help you to drop the comment with your website link. but it some work as time wasted work because if you are just doing this for getting link from that website then the approval is depend upon the website owner. if they disapprove the comment then your comment us useless for them. For me the best way is to check other subpages and see other comments to check if they have links. yeah, I confront the same problem as you....I am not sure wheather there is a software of that kind, I only work 8 hours but find most of my regular hours are wasting on the registering... then I find some from the SEO forums that people already recommend hundreds of do follow sites that you can add your backlinks, most of them are effective.
I would be very grateful for this answer. we can't manage it

it is discouraging and I have not found a way around it. because of it I do a lot less blog commenting. I tend to try and few that work and I really like and then just stay there. Yes you right. this help you to drop the comment with your website link. but it some work as time wasted work because if you are just doing this for getting link from that website then the approval is depend upon the website owner. if they disapprove the comment then your comment us useless for them. For me the best way is to check other subpages and see other comments to check if they have links. yeah, I confront the same problem as you....I am not sure wheather there is a software of that kind, I only work 8 hours but find most of my regular hours are wasting on the registering... then I find some from the SEO forums that people already recommend hundreds of do follow sites that you can add your backlinks, most of them are effective.