I am new to .Net and I was wondering how to post a form to another page with a form that uses runat=server. Is this possible? I have tried using an HTML control and a web control.In .net forms are supposed to post back to themselves. If you want a form that posts infomration to another page you need to do something like add a button action that then redirects to another page and sends the data thereIf you redirect then how is the data sent? It would be a pain to use the querystring. If I have a large for or search criteria and I want the data to be passed to another page then it seems unrealistic.I guess I am not really sure why you would want to send a large chunk of data to another page. The best way would be to store it in a database or xml file on page 1, then redirect with the record id to page 2 and retrieve the data.Not a large chunck, but say 4 items of search criteria. In Classic ASP you just posted the form and did a Request.Form("myData"). I want to display search results on a different page. Storing in a database would mean 3 trips to it.<BR><BR>Do you populate properties in the code behind class<BR>and create an instance of that class in the code behind class of the new<BR>page to access it's properties?<BR><BR><BR>If you are familiar with the Request object then use it. It is still available in asp.net and performs the same way.That my problem. I can't get it to work the same way. <form action="myPage.aspx" method="post" runat="server" /> is only posting it back to the page I am on.what we are saying is that you don't have to have a second page anymore for the results of your query. It doesn't really make alot of sense to have a page with your request form then a page with the resutls to a bound datagrid or something. The best design is to have two panels on your page. Hide your results panel unless you have a postback. If you do then show your results panel.I understand that completely. What about a registration form that uses a few panels already? There will be a lot of code in one class and .aspx page. I was just thinking of trying to keep things neat. Also, if you want to edit a record, but would like to pass it's ID in a hidden field as oppossed to a querystring variable you can't? It wouldn't seem useful to use a session variable if it is only used there. A page could get very crowded with code.In your Submit buttons onclick event, server.transfer to the page you want. then within that page you can use the request.form the same way as in asp ... <BR><BR>I suggest if you are still confused you go through some tutorials at http://www.asp.net ... this is pretty fundemental stuff and by the sounds of your questions you have not informed yourself enough by reading and looking at examples to be developing in asp.net (or rather asking for help on something you can read up on in minutes).<BR>I have read up on it. I couldn't find the examples. AND IF YOU NOTICED MY FIRST POST THEN YOU WOULD SEE THAT I SAID I WAS A BEGINNER. NO NEED TO BE RUDE.I am not being rude. I am trying to steer people to help THEMSELVES. There just is not enough of that these days in programming. Too many people want to be hand-held. If you are indeed a beginner I suggest research. This thread is long because your original post is so vague:<BR><BR>" I am new to .Net and I was wondering how to post a form to another page with a form that uses runat=server. Is this possible? I have tried using an HTML control and a web control. "<BR><BR>This question tells me you did NOT make much of an effort in solving this on your own before posting. Likewise, there is no way you went through the Tutorials and still can not answer your original question. I offered you a solution and some advice ... how you take it and what you do with it is your own prerogative.<BR>I would not want you being rude in that case.<BR><BR>How do you know how much time he wasted on this before posting?<BR>I suffered similar confusion and share most of Ted's viwes here.<BR>Very long .aspx pages might be necessary but are they sensible?Say for example you have 5 forms that each do a diff thing/point to diff pages/have diff database results. Is it wise to still have one page with a lot of hidden panels or 5 pages with lesser/cleaner code?