I've got a field called ID, with the type of serial. I need to make it possible for me to update the rows in my table without the ID messing up...
e.g. I got row with the ID 3. I want to update that row. I've got total 99 rows in my table. I update the row and now the rows ID is 100. It still inrements when it shouldn't.
Someone told me to use triggers/functions but I have no idea how to do that... so any suggestions are well taken.
With thanks in advance,
I've got a field called ID, with the type of serial. I need to make it possible for me to update the rows in my table without the ID messing up...
e.g. I got row with the ID 3. I want to update that row. I've got total 99 rows in my table. I update the row and now the rows ID is 100. It still inrements when it shouldn't.
Someone told me to use triggers/functions but I have no idea how to do that... so any suggestions are well taken.
With thanks in advance,