post xml data and retrieve xml response in vb


New Member
what is the best practice or how do get a xml response from the following.The documentation says\[quote\] In Order to retrieve the requested data from the system an XML message has to be sent via HTTP-Post within a parameter calles 'load' to the following URL\[/quote\]Simple Request Example:\[code\]<Request version="1.0"><Header> <Security sender="ff80808109c5bcc00109c5bce9f1003a"/></Header><Query entity="ff80808109c5bcc00109c5bce9f50056" level="CHANNEL" mode="INTEGRATOR_TEST" type="STANDARD"> <User login="ff80808109c5bcc00109c5bce9f20042" pwd="geheim"/> <Period from="2006-03-04" to="2006-03-04"/> <Types> <Type code="RF"/> <Type code="PA"/> <Type code="RV"/> </Types></Query>\[/code\]How is this done in ASP.NET (2.0 - is 3.5 better for this?) with vb? How do I process the resulting response xml further? Maybe output it into a literal.thx a lot in advance for your feedback... greetings