POST with XMLHTTPRequest Component?


New Member
I'm having some real problems sucessfully posting to an ASP page with theXMLHTTPRequest object. I open the page "POST", PageURL, "", ""then I'm trying to insert my page parameters into the header, and this iswhere I'm missing something... I don't know the correct bstr name of theparameter to tell the ASP page that this is POST data. I know there mustbe some sort of content-type value that it needs to know how to interpretit on the ASP side. With Cookies, you go...objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Cookie", "cookie1=value;cookie2=value2"I just don't know the correct name, I believe that I need to do somethinglike:objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "??????", "name=username&pass=userpassword"objXMLHTTP.sendCan anyone help on this?Thanks,Kris