POST is not getting through to web service


New Member
Hi I hate to bother everyone with yet another jQuery AJAX autocomplete question, but I seem to be really stuck. I've added my code to pastebin at the following address: service is up and running.I can invoke it. I am additionally using firebug and getting the following results on the POST:\[code\]POST http://localhost:51204/AddrService.asmx/GetZipCode15ms HeadersPostResponseJSONzip"40"Source{'zip': '40' }\[/code\]Showing the service function:\[code\] [WebMethod] public List<Zip> GetZipCode(string zip)\[/code\]I can get this to work with jQuery 1.4.2, but I'm upgrading a lot of jQuery widgets to 1.8 and can't get the autocomplete to work. Am I missing something they changed in the AJAX autocomplete call. Documentation to a correct answer will suffice if it is useful.Please help.