Post exchange anyone?


Staff member
Calling all forum owners... anyone interested in "swapping" posts?

I'm happy to do this with anyone, and would be prepared to match you post for post for as long as you wish to continue with it. (ie. you post 20 messages on any one of our forums, and I'll do the same at your's - this helps both our forums to look more active and will encourage further participation from others).

I'm only interested in quality posts though... people that are a little more interested than just posting one-liners, and will actually be prepared to engage in discussion (and no doubt you would also expect the same from me).

If that sounds like you, sign up on any of our forums and send me (username 'aaron') a PM on the forums you sign up on. In the subject, please put "yourusername <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->" and then please also put "" in the body of the message so I have something to click on. This will be kept on file and will remind me where to go whenever I see you've paid us a visit.

We have business forums, sport forums and travel forums for you to choose from, so hopefully there's something to interest you among that lot. I have a wide range of interests myself (business, computers, photography, travel, general chat, all sports... etc. - just about anything but obviously if your forum is of a very specific nature there's the possibility that I might not be able to offer much in the way of contributions).

Look forward to working with some of you.

