possibly just a Safari issue?

I'm working on a project which makes use of asp and ajax. every browser works fine, apart from a small issue in safari.

there's a lightbox type feature, and in safari, you need to click on the button/link twice before it appears. it's fine after that.

just wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem and i can put it down to being a safari bug, is it a conflict between the server side and client side code OR a js error, although no browser is displaying the error.

because this is a work project, i can't paste code, but i'm hoping someone may have had a similar problem. actually, not hoping, because that's not nice, more wondering! :Dcan we see it somewhere?i've been trying to replicate the functions and everything so that i have an example to share, but i can't replicate the problem! driving me nuts! safari is showing a 'generated by javascript' error, but it doesn't give any more info and firefox's error console and firebug show nothing to be wrong at all! :( if i can get an example that replicates the problem, i'll post it up here.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://developer.apple.com/internet/safari/faq.html#anchor14">http://developer.apple.com/internet/saf ... l#anchor14</a><!-- m -->