Possible to make this code valid/speed up?


New Member
I have an enrollment form which takes consumer information, stores it in session, passes from page to page then stores in a database when finished. Originally the table simply listed fields for up to 16 persons but after reading into relational databases, found this was foolish. I have since created a table named "members" and "managers". Each enrollment will take the information input, store the manager ID in the respective table and place a reference field in each member row containing the manager ID.While I allow up to 16 members to be enrolled at once, this can range from 1-16. My best guess is to use a FOR-loop to run though multiple INSERT statements in the event more than 1 member is enrolled. In the example below, I am using the variable $num to represent the individual member's information and $total to represent the number of all members being enrolled. The code here does not function but am looking for:a) ways to correctb) understand if there are more 'efficient' ways of doing this type of INSERTsample code:\[code\]<?php $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "pw"); mysql_select_db("db",$conn); for ($num=1; $num<=$total; $num++) { $sql = "INSERT INTO table VALUES ('', '$clean_f'.$num.'fname', '$clean_f.$num.mi', '$clean_f.$num.lname', '$clean_f.$num.fednum', '$clean_f.$num.dob', '$clean_f.$num.ssn', '$clean_f.$num.address', '$clean_f.$num.city', '$clean_f.$num.state', '$clean_f.$num.zip', '$clean_f.$num.phone', '$clean_f.$num.email')"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); } mysql_close($conn); header("Location: completed.php");?>\[/code\]