Possible float property bug in IE 5/Mac?


I've been experimenting with a three column xhtml layout that works fine on every other darn browser except for IE 5/Mac. I've got the code at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://users.tm.net/gburghardt/cmlife/">http://users.tm.net/gburghardt/cmlife/</a><!-- m -->.

I have three DIVs that make up the three columns, all floated left in css (float: left;). Each DIV appears below the other like I hadn't floated them at all. I know that IE 6/ PC has kind of a weird way of supporting floated elements, in that they don't seem to cross the boundries of other elements in some instances, and I was wondering if the same sort of thing were holding true for IE5/ Mac?

The really goofy thing is, on the page listed above, I have the same sort of thing on the page twice. The DIVs for site search, breaking news, and newsupdate behave just fine, but the DIVs for my left hand menu, body, and right column display as if they don't have any float property applied at all.

As far as I can tell, I don't have any mistakes in the code...

Any info would be great.I figured it out.

I have the three floated DIVs nested in another DIV called "top" with the clear: both; property specified.

<div id="top">

<div id="left"></div>

<div id="middle"></div>

<div id="right"></div>


IE5/Mac apparently does an excellent job of inheritance. The PC browsers that I tried it on did not catch it (Mozilla 1, NS 7, IE 6, Opera 6). Each of the floated DIVs inhereted the clear: both; from their parent DIV, which prevented the floated DIVs from floating next to each other.Originally posted by toicontien

IE5/Mac apparently does an excellent job of inheritance.

Yepp, except for the small fact that clear is defined to be "Inherited: no"...

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/visuren.html#propdef-clear">http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/visuren.h ... pdef-clear</a><!-- m -->

In short, you are looking at an IE/Mac specific bug. But you found the workaround too, so all is well :)<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://banners.dollarmachine.com/pic/2014000/hal001.gif">http://banners.dollarmachine.com/pic/2014000/hal001.gif</a><!-- m --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.kinkyceleb.com/1261795520">http://www.kinkyceleb.com/1261795520</a><!-- m -->)