Poss to throw my nav bar into a CSS?


Ello ello all,<br />
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I'm new here so go gentle on me pls :)<br />
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I'm building a page with a left aligned Nav Bar <br />
(wow how original) and wanted to know wether It's poss to somehow sneak the image, image maps and all into a CSS.<br />
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I am building using tables pretty buch and want the nav to appear on every page, but i'm blowed if i want to use frames.<br />
if NE1 has NE better ways of doing this then let me know!<br />
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I'm hand coding the site to be masochistic (and to practice ) so any help would rock.<br />
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Thx guys . . .<br />
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dirtystim.<br />
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"I lose things, it's what I do . . ."<!--content-->Hi ds, welcome to HTMLForums.<br />
Can you please post your url or you nav bar and we will see where we can help you.<br />
Thanks.<!--content-->Thx 4 yer swift reply Ian, <br />
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My nav bar image (it's a bone actually lol) isn't done yet, I keep umming and aahing about the best wat to do stuff. I'll bug you as soon as it's done! ;P Lol.<br />
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It's taking me a while as I'm making all the images myself in Paint shop, i'm new to Paint shop AND! I'm putting off the dreaded coding as long as poss !<br />
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This is a great forum, the atmos reminds me of the Tweakboard <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.3dfiles.com/3dboard/ultimatebb.cgi">http://www.3dfiles.com/3dboard/ultimatebb.cgi</a><!-- m --><br />
Tha board formally known as Tweakfiles.<br />
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Darn off topic again . . .<br />
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dirtystim<br />
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"I must conquer the coding mountain"<!--content-->