Positioning elements within fieldset


New Member
I have made a custom \[code\]fieldset\[/code\] and it works well only in Chrome. How I can solve this problem? It must be label with input text in right part of field and label with input text in right part of field, but in 1 row below.Here is the CSS:\[code\]#field { width: 300px;}.name { position: relative; float: right;}.email { position: relative; float: right;}\[/code\]Here is the HTML:\[code\]<fieldset id = "field"> <legend>Add a wish</legend> <input id = "name" class = "name" type = "text" width = "100"/> <label for = "name" class = "name">Nam::</label> <input id = "email" class = "email" type = "text" width = "100"/> <label for = "email" class = "email">Email:</label> <label id = "wis">Wish</label> <textarea cols = "25" rows = "3" id = "wishes"></textarea></fieldset>\[/code\]