Position Text On Background Border


I am building a web page and am using a background with a border on it.<br />
Most of the text is centered but I want to left justify some of the text. The problem is it then goes into my border.<br />
How do I move the text over so it lines up with the strip border and still aligns on the left margin.<!--content-->hey, can you point me to that page (URL please)...<br />
then, it'll be easier for me to help you! Thanks!<!--content-->Hi unregistered,<br />
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why not register so we can greet you properly :)<br />
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Anyway, there is more than one way to do what you want. You can use a table to position text or images in different areas of the page, to an extent.<br />
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You can use style sheets/style tags to position just about anything anywhere on a webpage. This gives you very precise control over positioning.<br />
A brief example is:<br />
<br />
<div style="position:absolute; left:100px; top:400px;">your text here</div><br />
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change the value of left:100px and top:400px to move that DIV around on a webpage (px = pixels). <br />
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If you want a really simple thing to try, you can use a <BLOCKQUOTE> tag to indent blocks of text. <br />
<br />
<FONT COLOR=GREEN>your text here</FONT><br />
<br />
that might not give you enough identation, but you can use two blockquotes<br />
<br />
<FONT COLOR=GREEN>your text here</FONT><br />
<br />
That is a simple and crude method but its fast and easy.<br />
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Without seeing your page its not really possible to give you a good example of table code that you could use. Is the page uploaded? What is the URL?<br />
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Regards,<br />