Position of folder problem


I have my main web pages in the web page folder. Inside this, I have a locations folder, which is one of the categories in the main menu. Inside the locations folder I have a folder for each location. I am having trouble accessing the links for the navbar to work. When all files we in the same folder as the main webpage files, I would simply use: parent.linkfunctionname(). But, now that the folders are two deep, for organization's sake, it is not accessing the data. I tried multiple parent calls to get back to the main section, and top.window, neither of which worked, anyone have any ideas what the problem could be??<!--content-->I think I understand...<br />
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to access pages and/or files in folders, you dont need to modify the function you are using, you need to modify the url of the file<br />
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you can use the same function, but I guess we need to know the internal workings of the function to help any better.<br />
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an example would be:<br />
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sendTo('../../home.html')<br />
<br />
in which the page, home.html is in a folder up two positions from the current document.<!--content-->I can just use that function in the onClick even handler?? Cant find much info about it. Thanks alot.<!--content-->Thats just an example<br />
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If you post your code, you may get better answers to your question<!--content-->Yeah I know, I actually just got it to work though, but thank you very much for your help.<!--content-->