Position Image and Wrap Text Round It


Staff member
I'm using CSS to position an image on a page.

Currently, the text is going behind image (I have the image inside its own div tag)

How do I get it so, when the text reaches the image, it goes to a new line, but continues to go the full width above and below the image.

I can do it using tables, but don't want to use them, as the side is tidy using HTML and CSS only.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://psacake.com/web/ar.asp">http://psacake.com/web/ar.asp</a><!-- m -->
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Currently, the text is going behind image That is because you are using position:absolute; to position the image, correct? Try float:left; (or right) instead.Yep, your both right.

Float worked :-)