Is it possible to position a \[code\]div\[/code\] relative to another \[code\]div\[/code\] which is not it's parent? For example:\[code\]<div id="header"><!-- --></div><div id="content"><!-- --></div><div id="footer"><<!-- --></div>\[/code\]In the above code, could \[code\]#footer\[/code\] be relatively positioned to \[code\]#header\[/code\]?UPDATEI ask because the semantic structure of the design I intend to implement doesn't match the way I want to present it. Visually I'll have a menu at the top of the page and a hidden div which will slide in above the menu on a click event. I therefore need to shuffle the order or divs such that a \[code\]#menu\[/code\] is relatively positioned below a \[code\]#header\[/code\] and will stay relatively positioned when the \[code\]#header\[/code\] slides in on a jQuery \[code\]slideToggle()\[/code\] event.\[code\]<div id="menu"><!-- --></div><div id="header"><!-- --></div><div id="content"><!-- --></div><div id="footer"><<!-- --></div>\[/code\]\[code\]#header\[/code\] should be fixed to the top of the window. \[code\]#menu\[/code\] should be positioned relative to \[code\]#header\[/code\] such that when \[code\]#header\[/code\] slides in, \[code\]#menu\[/code\] slides down by the same distance.