I have a class that extends PDO to give it the ability to pull the configuration from an xml file. Unfortunately the our hosting provider has disabled SimpleXML so I need to refactor my code to use Dom, which is available.I am using the following code:\[code\]class xmlPDO extends PDO{ public function __construct($xml_uri){ $xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_uri); $dsn_template = "%s:host=%s; dbname=%s"; $dsn = sprintf($dsn_template, $xml->dsn->driver, $xml->dsn->host, $xml->dsn->dbname); parent::__construct($dsn, $xml->username, $xml->password); }}\[/code\]To read the following XML:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE database [<!ELEMENT database (name, description, dsn, username, password)> <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT dsn (driver, dbname, host)> <!ELEMENT driver (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT dbname (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT host (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT username (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT password (#PCDATA)>]><database> <name>Test Database</name> <description>Localhost test database, use only for testing</description> <dsn> <driver>mysql</driver> <dbname>test</dbname> <host>localhost</host> </dsn> <username>user</username> <password>test</password></database>\[/code\]I am looking at the php.net documentation and am having a really hard time trying to figure out how I am supposed to be doing this. I can't seem to be any clear code examples of pulling out data like this.