Port Styles to 3.7.X


New Member
Hi There.

I have a question, i want to port some styles that i still have for 3.6.4 to 3.7.2. What is the best way to do this? Upload the 3.6.4XML File and do Template Edits?

Thanks in Advance
Yep basiclly you have 2 options...

- Upload old xmls view the differences between each
- Take note of the custom coding (cut and paste in nodpad or something)
- Revert old template (this way you know all the new stuff is there in the template)
- Open reverted template and add the custom coding from old

Create a new default style and add the custom coding and css from old templates.
Thanks Hox.
I Think i just stick with option 1.
Right now i'm porting Dolophin, its a lot of work becouse there are about 14 template edits to do! :(