popup window placement (need kwik help#@!!)


Y0,<br />
Just an easy one...<br />
I'm using "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=789,heig ht=540,screenX=0,screenY=25,top=25,left=0"<br />
when I create my new popup window, but I want to make the new window center itself on the screen, nomatter what res.<br />
any ideas?<br />
thanks<!--content-->Yo...<br />
<br />
Don't know if it will work but try using percentage values instead of fixed pixel values in the XY coordinates.<br />
<br />
screenX=0,screenY=25%,top=25%,left=0 <br />
<br />
Kevin<!--content-->nahh, I tried a few different combinations, but none had any effect on the window placement.<!--content-->