popup window in ie8


New Member
in my webpage i have a button , that let me download an excel file(generated by php code). This part is called after clicing the button.\[code\]<script type="text/javascript"> window.open('siem_xls_download_d.php?adatum=<?=$adatum?>&edatum=<?=$edatum?>&ir_qot_id_lang=<?=$ir_qot_id_lang?>', target="_top", "Zweitfenster","width=200,height=140,left=400,top=280"); </script> <? } elseif ($output_pdf == "pdf") { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> window.open('siem_pdf_download_d.php?adatum=<?=$adatum?>&edatum=<?=$edatum?>&ir_qot_id_lang=<?=$ir_qot_id_lang?>',"Zweitfenster","width=500,height=400,left=200,top=100");</script>\[/code\]After clickig it in ie8 I'm getting a popup window where im beeing asked if I really want to downlooad this file. Afetr maybe 1 sec the window is beeing closed. If i change a traget to "_top" the window is being kept open. But it opens a new tab, what is not what I want. How could I force IE8 to keep the popup open? I wish to have a small window with target ="_blank".ThanksMagda Muskala