Popup window HELP ME!! not that simple


Staff member
i'm creating a scheduling system for my client. there is a main form with all of the appointments information to be viewd by the user with two buttons at the bottom. 1(UpDate) 2(Cancel) when the user pushes the cancel button a pop up screen appears with a drop down list containing cancel reasons for the user to choose. on the pop up screen there is a button marked "cancel" when the user hits the button to finalize the cancellation the pop up window closes and sends the reason to a text box on the main form. now i need the main form to reload so it will update the information into the database. here is my code.
on the main form this finction is declared...

function cancelwindow(file,window) {
msgwindow=open(file,window,'resizable=no, width=625, height=325');
if (msgwindow.opener == null) msgwindow.opener = self;
and called at this point...

<input type="Button" value=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"Cancel Job Request" ONCLICK="cancelwindow('popcancelreason.asp','window2')">

on the popup window i'm using this function...

function setform () {
opener.document.outputform.outputfield.value = document.inputform.inputfield.value;

return false;

and it is called at this point...

<form name="inputform" onSubmit="return setform();">

everything works fine at this point but i can not get the main form to reload after the reason has been added to the host page. I'm using ASP with Javascript i do not know if that will help. Any help is greatly appreciated. thanks in advance. The reason i need the page to reload is beacuse it will append the correct information to the Header to tell the systrem to run the database update function, did not create the system trying to update an other persons code and we want to keep the functionality the same. This my firtst time using javascript i'm used to PHP and ASP and i need some one to spell it out for me.

Lucas Haines