Popup link to Original Window


Hi everyone,<br />
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I am new here, but I plan on sticking around for a bit.<br />
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I very rarely have questions that stump me like this one, but here it is.<br />
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I have a page that loads with an automatic popup window. There is a link in the popup window that I want to load in the original window.<br />
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I think the solution lies within assigning a name to the original window, and then using that name in the target attribute of the link. My question, then, is how do I assign a name to a window?<br />
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Thanks,<br />
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-Matt<!--content-->I think that adding target="_parent" to the link will fix it.<br />
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Post again if it does not.<!--content-->No, it didn't work. Here's the url:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.erasethedark.com">http://www.erasethedark.com</a><!-- m --><br />
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right click to view source, as it is a redirect.<br />
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or use this url: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.deathbystarlight.com/etd">http://www.deathbystarlight.com/etd</a><!-- m --><br />
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it might have something to do with the popup script, i don't know. any other ideas?<br />
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Thanks.<!--content-->i believe what your looking for is for your secondary pages.<br />
to link all of the pages into the iframe, give the iframe a name and put that name into your target link.<br />
<iframe src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"?????" name="john"></iframe><br />
<!-- link --> <a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"page.html" target="john">????</a><br />
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try that see if it works. :) it should.<!--content-->well i was actually thinking of having it be the whole page, but now that you bring it up, there's probably two ways I could acheive it besides just sending them to the iframe:<br />
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1. i could make a frameset and have it be 100% and 0% and name the one and use that,<br />
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2. have an auto redirect page that the popup link sends to. it would be loaded in the iframe page, and when it redirects, it would target _top.<br />
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i'll let you know how they work.<br />
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Thanks,<br />
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-Matt<!--content-->Ahh, the answer was easier than I though. Because right now we're using a url redirect, the redirect company automaically puts it in a frameset and names the two...so I just put the name of the page in the target.<br />
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And, for future cases, I will just make a frameset with 100% and 0% and name them.<br />
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Thanks for the help.<br />
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