Populating textboxes from the database


Could anyone tell me why when I update textboxes from the database during the page load event using this code:

If Not IsPostBack Then

AdNumSent = Request.QueryString("rfqID")


If faqlog.Tables("faqlog").Rows.Count > 0 Then

Row = faqlog.Tables("faqlog").Rows(0)

rfqCategoryText.Text = Row.Item("rfqCategory")

....... 'for all rows

End If

End If

It works but if I move this code to within another event it doesn't work? I want to populate the fields when the search button is clicked rather then when the page is loaded???

Thankserror message?Hi it just wasn't loading up anything, I've got it working now though although I'm not sure what's different, it just seems to work now!

Anyone else with the same problem, send me a message and I'll send the updated code.

Thanks anyway!