Populating List boxes


New Member
Okay, I have one listbox that is populated from a mysql database using php. Now i need to populate other list boxes that are located on the same page based on the users response to the first or following listboxes. The Number of list boxes has to be determined along the way...

Here is somthing similar to what i need. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais/su/su_sc_modSel.jsp">http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais ... modSel.jsp</a><!-- m -->

I tried adapting this script to my site, but i can't figure how to add more list boxes as needed by the users selection..

I have a database of categories, sub categories, categories of sub categories and so on. The first list box shows all the Main Categories. The second will show any sub categories of the selected Main Category. The third will show any categories of the sub categories etc... their has to be basically an infinate number of list boxes avaialible to allow the user the choice for any sub categories.

I hope that was understandable.
How can I do somthing like this?

I would greatly appreciate any help anyone may be able to offer.

Thank You.