Populating a text box with the value of a variable


New Member
Does anyone know how to populate a text box with the value of a variable. I am pulling in values from a cookie created in a previous page and want to populate a textbox with the value the user entered and give them the chance to change it before submitting to the checkout and the database.
<tr height="10">
<td><b>Change or Delete order&nbsp;</b><input type="text" size="20" name="alterProduct" value=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"value of variable goes here"></td>

I have tried several things such as creating a function in which I assigned the value of the variable to the value of the actual text box, which did not work.
document.formName.textboxName.value = desiredVariable

Can anyone shed some light on the problem I am having? Any help would be appreciated.
