Populating a drop down list using jQuery getJSON not working


New Member
I am trying to send a variable with jQuery's getJSON function but it doesn't seem to be going through, I am also unsure of how to get the variable I have just sent in the waiting PHP file, do I just reference it via the name I sent it as, for instance if I send a variable called \[code\]'test'\[/code\], can I get it like this, \[code\]$_POST['test']\[/code\] on the other side? or how exactly would that work?I am trying to populate a drop down list using the method below, any advice on improving the code would be greatly appreciated!Here is what the PHP returns:\[code\][{"city":"One"},{"city":"Two"},{"city":"Three"},{"city":"Four"}]\[/code\]jQuery:\[code\]//get the cities$("#province").live('change', function(){ var test = $('#province').val(); //alert(test); $.getJSON("cities.php", test, function(data){ //clean out the select list $('#city').html(''); //run the loop to populate the drop down list $.each(data, function(i, data) { var city = data.city; $('#city').append( $('<option></option>').html(city) ); }); });});\[/code\]PHP:\[code\]$province = $_POST['test'];//mySQL query here$myarray = mysql_fetch_array($query, true);$string = explode(',', $myarray['cities']);foreach($string as $key=>$value) { $string[$key] = array('city'=>$value);}$json = json_encode($string);echo $json;\[/code\]What could I be doing wrong?Thanx in advance!