New Member
I am completely new to Charts in asp.net so bear with me, I have been reading multiple multiple webpages on how bind data to the charts but I still can not get anything to show up. I know this probably isnt the first instance of this question, but I cant figure this out to save my life. Im hoping with a little nudge I wont need any help on this topic after this.Say I have a dropdown and this drop down has two items in it. On Dropdown_IndexChange it will change the data source of chart1 that is located in ReportViewer (The database is going to be local). Index 0 creates a bar chart with the SQL Command: "SELECT [SWversion:], [Batt_Wifi:], [Batt_Standby:], [Batt_OnCall:] FROM Amaze"where SWVersion are the names of the series and the other 3 are the data.Index 1 creates a line chart with the sql command:"SELECT [SWversion:], [Wifi_Pref_IC:], [Wifi_Pref_NC:], [Wifi_Only_IC:], [Wifi_Only_NC:] FROM Amaze"SWVersion works the same way here as well. How can I get these charts to show up and how can I attach SWVersion names to the series.The code I am trying to work with is this:\[code\] Chart1.DataSource = Nothing Chart1.Visible = True Dim newsqlcommand As String = "SELECT [Batt_Wifi:], [Batt_Standby:], [Batt_OnCall:] FROM Amaze" Using con As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connexstring) con.Open() Dim myCommand = New SqlDataAdapter(newsqlcommand, con) Dim ds = New DataSet() myCommand.Fill(ds) Chart1.DataSource = myCommand con.Close() con.Dispose() End Using Chart1.DataBind()\[/code\]I know this is only one of the SQL Commands but Im still trying to figure out how it works. I don't recieve an error, but with this I can't even get a chart to draw.Thanks for any and all help