pop-up using ASP.Net


New Member
Is there a way to make a pop-up with asp.net or do i really need to use javascript ?I found that looking for something else might help <BR>I didn't try it yet<BR><BR>From: "Russell Jones" <[email protected]> <BR><BR><BR>If you have to use JScript/JavaScript/ECMAScript, the window.confirm, and<BR>window.prompt methods are as close as you'll get. But they don't have Yes/No<BR>buttons. You can popup your own window with window.popup. However, if you<BR>can use VBScript (IE-only) then you can display a messagebox using the<BR>MsgBox function. There are quite a few MsgBox-related constants that control<BR>the button set and help you evaluate the results. The example below uses<BR>both JScript and VBScript.<BR><BR><HTML><BR><HEAD><BR><META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0"><BR><TITLE></TITLE><BR><BR>script tag removed<BR> <!--- script language="VBScript" type="text/VBScript"><BR> function showYesNoMessage(msg, title)<BR> select case MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo,title)<BR> case vbYes<BR> showYesNoMessage="yes"<BR> case else<BR> showYesNoMessage="no"<BR> end select<BR> end function<BR></script><BR> <!--- ---><BR></HEAD><BR><BODY><BR><input type="button" value=http://aspmessageboard.com/archive/index.php/"Click Me" onclick='alert("You clicked " +<BR>showYesNoMessage("Did you know VBScript and JScript can interact?", "Click<BR>Yes or No"))'><BR><P>&nbsp;</P><BR></BODY><BR></HTML><BR><BR>