Pop-Up Blocker Headaches


Staff member
Hi everyone... I was hoping maybe someone has some insight into a problem I am exeriencing.<br />
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My company sells training software... basically all the content is stored in HTML pages. This is usually run locally off the client's hard drive or off our CD. The problem is we have been getting a lot of complaints from customers regarding certain features in the system not working. Further research revealed that popup blockers are in some cases not allowing our content window (that pops up when the user selects a link) to load, or even worse it will load partway and then spew out errors. <br />
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So what Im trying to figure out is if anyone knows a way to circumvent this. Don't get me wrong -- I love popup blockers but this is causing nothing but headaches for our support people and our clients.<br />
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If anyone has any input or suggestions, it would be greatly apreciated.<!--content-->nope, that would be a browser issue, and there are no ways to turn off a popup blocker from code, otherwise I would still be getting popupts. Do you have to use a popup window?<!--content-->Yes, unfortunately the way our system is structured the popup content window is a intergal part of our system. We have been doing it like this for a long time now, and only recently witht he advent of pop-up blockers getting popular has it been a problem. <br />
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I have been considering trying to find a way to fool the popup blockers from the client side... like with a app that would run when they loaded the cd and then disable itself after the user is finished with our software.<br />
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Does anyone know of any websites with some information on how popup blockers work?<br />
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The sad thing about the whole deal is the quality of a lot of these pop-up blockers. A lot of them seem to be just thrown together with no regard for localhost or anything else for that matter. I have found some of them in my testing to barely work at all.<!--content-->have the same problem with my IE game online, I need to hold CTRL key to open a link which opens a new window<!--content-->if it runs locally why are you using html to make it? Wouldn't you get more functionality out of a compiled application? Just wondering. I do not know of any client side way to fool a popup blocker, like I said if there were I would see popups. There are definatly no server side ways to do it. I cant find any resources on how popup blcokers work... I did a google search.<!--content-->I wholeheartedly agree that there is a big need for popup blockers, but ther really should be some sort of "whitelist" website that legit websites could register at. <br />
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Ah well... I guess poups are just the tip of the iceberg regarding all the problems spammers are causing flooding the internet with their advertising garbage.<!--content-->Originally posted by PeOfEo <br />
if it runs locally why are you using html to make it? Wouldn't you get more functionality out of a compiled application? <br />
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I agree that it would be much better if it was a compiled application, but that is not the direction the company went and I had no say in it as I was not here at the time. I guess the biggest advantage they probbabally saw was less support headaches seeing as html code works pretty much anywhere on any platform, and its very syntaxually (sp?)leinent. The developement and support costs would be a lot greater if they had to develop a application for windows users, then port it to mac and linux.<!--content-->i've made it thus far without a popup blocker and have no trouble using it. the only sites i get popups on are my own free sites, mlb.com and espn.com<!--content-->Heh... tell my end users that! lol<!--content-->well if there continues to be a problem, you should simply write a message telling the user to disable their pop-up blocker while running the application.<br />
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i've never found the need for a poup blocker, funny thing is, i was at a friend's house recently and they had a pop-up blocker turned on and had more popups than i receive in a day, like 8. In all fairness, I don't think popup blockers are as good as people think! I should tel lthem that too, huh?<!--content-->ehat does your application do, maybe Visual Basic could suit this, since it allows communications between forms, and allows you to embed browsers into it (browser specific -- you could only embed a browser you have but the user must have that browser) and it can do everything client side can (almost), and a whole lot more.<!--content-->The biggest problem is a lot of these people are not very computer savvy. The majority of them are doctors -- good at fixing you, but not their computer. A lot of times their kid or whatever will install it and they will have no clue it is even on their system.<!--content-->Sounds to me like the company is going to be spending some money to convert the training system to Flash or something along those lines.<!--content-->Or just a java or c++ application... either will run cross platform unless you specifically put in platform specific code.<!--content-->why don't we do it simple with visual basic? it may not be at peak, but it is really easy!<!--content-->because vb will not go cross platform.<!--content-->exactly :), i like to be separated, if you haven't noticed, from the rest of the world!<!--content-->Originally posted by steelersfan88 <br />
why don't we do it simple with visual basic? it may not be at peak, but it is really easy! <br />
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Dude, come on... read a little. It has to be cross-platform.<!--content-->please see my last post :) (no offense to those using, but Macs won't require any normal applications, and anything can be embedded into it rather than running from an IE browser.)<!--content-->What if his target audiance uses SuSE or Mandrake linux? He is required to make this thing cross platform compadable, that is a given. Even though I think vb.net (notice the .net, it is much more powerful then vb6) is a wonderful technology to script with I would not use it for software that other people will use. Not to say it is not used quite a bit for scripting but a ton of programs are made for business records and backend server stuff and are not sold to large volumes of people and do not need to be cross platform compadable.<!--content-->i know, i know; just to recommend something to you, why don't you change your member name to PeoFeo.net (asp.net, vb.net, ...)<!--content-->If you "know" then why are you posting pointless answers? Come on quit post whoring my thread.<!--content-->Originally posted by devnate <br />
If you "know" then why are you posting pointless answers? Come on quit post whoring my thread. lol, thats a new expression. There is only one PeoFeo, and having an expantion version would make me look inferior, as if I could be improved apon.<!--content-->they are not pointless; pointless would mean that no-one would use it. its just an option that could be taken.<br />
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Peo, i like your explanation :)<!--content-->